Page 6 - machining_titanium_05_2019
P. 6
A annealing (annealed)
ASTM American Society for Testing and Materials
AM additive manufacturing
BASCA beta annealing followed by slow cooling and aging
(beta annealed, slow cooled and aged)
Bling bladed ring
Blisk bladed disk
Blotor bladed rotor
Blum bladed drum
BUE build-up edge
CAD/CAM computer-aided design and manufacturing
CBN cubic boron nitride
CNC computer numerical control
CVD chemical vapor deposition
DA duplex annealing (duplex annealed)
Dia. diameter
DOC depth of cut
ELI extra low interstitials
FF fast feed*
HFM high feed milling
HPC high pressure coolant
HSM high speed milling, high speed machining
HSS high-speed steel
IBR integrally bladed rotors (IBR)
ISO International Organization for Standardization
MTB machine tool builder (builders)
MRR metal removal rate
PCD polycrystalline diamond
PVD physical vapor deposition
R rolling (rolled)
SCEM solid carbide endmills
STA solution treatment and annealing (solution treated and annealed)
UHPC ultra high pressure coolant
WOC width of cut
* fast feed is synonymic with high feed