P. 87
High Pressure Coolant
The high pressure coolant feature has been in Note: the through-tool coolant provides improved tool
existence for a long time in the metal removal life, chip control and productivity advantages when
world, taking a bigger role in today’s machining. high pressure coolant is induced. In addition, the 10-15 THREAD TURNING
ISCAR was one of the first cutting tool companies to bar standard pressure provides better performance
respond to market needs by designing and producing when compared to external cooling results.
tools for ultra high and high pressure coolant flow.
High pressure coolant was initially implemented External Standard Internal Standard Internal High
mainly for difficult-to-machine materials such as Pressure Pressure Pressure
titanium, Inconel and other heat resistant alloys.
Later it was found that tool life, productivity
and chip control can be improved when
machining stainless and alloyed steel.
Jet high pressure (JHP) tools are particularly important
in the aviation, aerospace and medical industries.
The usage of high pressure coolant is growing
as manufacturers are looking for ways to External Cooling Internal Cooling - Low Pressure Internal Cooling - High Pressure
reduce cutting time, improve machining process Tool Life Tool Life Tool Life
reliability and achieve longer tool life. ISCAR’s
JHP tools provide all of these advantages. General Information
• Up to 30 bar; low pressure (LP), may
How Does It Work? provide tool life improvement and usually
will not have an effect on chip control
The stream velocity of the coolant emitted from the • 30 - 120 bar; high pressure (HP), the most commonly
pump increases as the coolant holes become smaller. used pressure range used with JHP tools. Increases tool
When it emerges out of the tool through the nozzle, life, increase in cutting speeds, improved chip control
the velocity is very high, exerting considerable • 120 - 400 bar - ultra high pressure (UHP), requires special
force on the chips, lowering their temperature and tool design to take advantage of the extra pressure.
protecting the cutting edge from thermal shock. Minor increase in tool life compared to HP range.
High temperature alloys produce a very high temperature • Ultra high pressure coolant is usually implemented for
as they are being cut. machining titanium and heat resistant alloys when there is
By effectively removing the heat, the chips a need for very small chips and higher machining rates.
become less ductile and easier to break. • ISCAR provides hundreds of special tools
Shorter chips are easily managed - they do not featuring ultra high pressure coolant capability
tangle around the workpiece or machine parts, so for various customers and applications.
there is no need to stop the process frequently. • Pressure vs. Flow
Usually in conventional cooling the chip prevents • Each JHP tool is designed to work at a certain flow rate,
depending on the pressure. Flow rates for each tool are
the coolant from reaching the insert rake face in listed in ISCAR’s Complete Machining Solutions catalogs
the cutting zone. The coolant stream of the JHP and E-CAT, ISCAR’s online electronic catalog. The user
tools is directed precisely between the insert rake should verify that the pump can supply the required flow in
face and the flowing chip. This results in longer order to achieve optimal results. The pump data sheet will
tool life and a much more reliable process. usually list the maximum flow rate for each pressure range.
The coolant channels of the JHP tools feature outlets very • Chips and Pressure
close to the cutting edges, with the following advantages: • The coolant flow will start to break the chips at a
• Shorter machining time - cutting speed may certain pressure, depending on the specific tool and
be increased by up to 200% when machining the workpiece material. If the chips are not breaking,
titanium and heat resistant alloys. the pressure should be increased until chip control
• Longer tool life - tool life increases by up to is achieved. Above this pressure, as it is increased
100% not only on titanium and heat resistant the chips become smaller and smaller. It is possible
alloys, but also on stainless and alloy steels. to control the size of the chips by modifying the
• Improved chip control - even on the most ductile and pressure in order to achieve the desired chip size.
problematic materials, small chips can be obtained. 240 Bar 10 Bar 180 Bar
• Very effective cooling down of the cutting edge,
reducing sensitivity to heat fluctuations.
• Safer and more stable process JHP tools
provide advantageous performance also
when conventional pressure is applied.