Page 33 - machining_titanium_05_2019
P. 33

Face Milling

                 In face milling, starting feed per tooth fz is calculated by equation (7):

                 fz=fzo×1/sinχ ×Ks        (7)                                                                            MILLING TITANIUM

                 Here:      fzo – basic feed per tooth (Table 18),
                            χ – cutting edge (entering) angle,
                            Ks – stability factor.
                 Face milling features considerable width of cut: normally ae=(0.6…0.8)×d. Therefore, for quick
                 estimation fzo may be set as the basic feed per tooth from Tables 15 and 16 that corresponds
                 ae/d=0.75. The appropriate values of fzo for indexable milling cutters are shown in Table 18.

                 Table 19 gives already calculated values of 1/sinχ for typical cutting edge angles of face mills.

                 Table 18 Basic Feed per Tooth fzo and Chip Thickness Data
                 for Indexable Face Milling
                            Fzo, mm/tooth (ipt), and hm and hmax, mm (in), for carbide grade of inserts*
                            Main grades                    Complementary grades
                            IC808                                              IC830     IC330
                  Parameters IC908     IC840     IC882     IC5820    IC380     IC928     IC328
                             0.095     0.095     0.11      0.095     0.078     0.11       0.11
                             (.0037)   (.0037)   (.0043)   (.0037)   (.0031)   0043)      (.0043)
                             0.11      0.11      0.125     0.11      0.09      0.125      0.125
                             (.0043)   (.0043)   (.0049)   (.0043)   (.0035)   (.0049)    (.0049)
                             0.11      0.11      0.125     0.11      0.09      0.125      0.125
                             (.0043)   (.0043)   (.0049)   (.0043)   (.0035)   (.0049)    (.0049)
                  * The table values are given in metric units with their US customary equivalents in italic brackets:
                  fz in mm/tooth (ipt), hm and hmax in mm (in)

                 Table 19 Calculated Values Of (1/Sinχ) for Typical Cutting Edge Angles

                       Χ          90°         75°        65°         60°        45°         30°

                     1/sinχ        1         1.03        1.1         1.15        1.4         2

                 Cutting edge angle and lead angle are not synonyms!
                 The “cutting edge angle” is the angle between the main cutting edge of a milling cutter and
                 the plane containing the direction of feed motion. "Lead angle" (or “approach angle”) is the
                 angle complementary to the cutting edge angle, i.e. the sum of both these angles is 90°. For a
                 typical face milling cutter, the cutting angle is the angle between the cutting edge and the plane,
                 which the cutter generates. If this angle is 60°, then the lead angle will be 30°. The cutting edge
                 angle and the lead angle are equal only for 45° milling cutters. The term "lead angle" is more
                 commonly employed in the U.S., while "approach angle" is often used in Europe and Japan.

                 Solid carbide endmills and the majority of MULTI-MASTER tools are not intended for face
                 milling. However, there are MULTI-MASTER replaceable heads (for example, MM FM, Fig. 15)
                 and special solid carbide cutters that were designed especially for face milling applications.

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