P. 134

FACE GROOVE-TURN                      TOOL BLOCKS

                  JETCUT Assembly

                  C Insert GF                                              The coolant supply tube can be used
                  D Blade SGFHK-                                          with the following options:
                  E Cap SGC 340 supplied with a blade;
                                                                         •	 DGTR...C integral tool
                      to be used with Option 1 only.                     •	 DGFH-C blades used on regular blocks
                  F Tool block SGTBUC-
                  G Elbow-style connector unit supplied                     by connecting directly to the blade
                                                                         •	 SGTBU-C blocks with coolant passages
                      with each tool block
                  H SGCU-344 H 3/16” copper Tube 343 (length 250 mm)        and connecting ports
                  J Standard current tool blocks SGTBN, SGTBU, SGTBF
                  K Coolant connection unit SGCU-341                       The Right Connection for Your Application
                  M Integral shank holder SGTFR/LK-                       Option 1:
                                                                            Coolant supplied directly to the blade.
                  Option 1:
                  Coolant supplied through the tool block.

                              DF                           H

                   C                                                     SGCU 341 Coolant connection unit
                                                     EG                  Connectors:
                                                                         CGM 343 (G1/8 external thread)
                  Option 2:                                              CGF 343 (G1/8 internal thread)
                  Coolant supplied directly to the blade.                CF 343 (NPT1/8 internal thread)

                                                                         Option 2:
                                                                         Coolant supplied through the tool block.

                             D        J
                  C                              K

                  Option 3:                                              SGCU 344 Elbow connector
                  Coolant supplied directly to the integral shank tool.  TUBE 343
                                                                         3/16” copper tube (length 250 mm)
                       M           K                                     (G1/8 external thread) (G1/8 internal thread)
                  C                                                      (NPT1/8 external thread) (NPT1/8 internal thread)

                                                                         Option 3:
                                                                         Coolant supplied directly to the tool.

                                                                         SGCU 341 Coolant connection unit

                                                                         CGM 343 (G1/8 external thread)
                                                                         CGF 343 (G1/8 internal thread)
                                                                         CF 343 (NPT1/8 internal thread)

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