Page 59 - Iscars_World_Brochure_2018
P. 59

ISCAR uses charts and tables to specify the cutting     The basic principle for selecting the grades is that
        area of milling tools and proposes suitable grades for   when abrasive wear is dominant, a hard grade
        replaceable inserts in indexable milling cutters, solid   should be used, whereas a tough grade is needed
        (mainly solid carbide) endmills, and replaceable solid   for substantial mechanical loading during cutting.
        milling heads with Multi-Master adaptation.             For example, for finish milling with typically small
                                                                machining allowance (machining stock), high cutting
        ISCAR characterizes the grades as main and              speed and low feed, hard grades will be more
        complementary. The main grades are more popular         efficient. However, tough grades will be required for
        in machining specific engineering materials, but        heavy-duty roughing that removes significant volume
        complementary grades can be effective as well in        of material and features considerable cutting load.
        certain cases. When a main grade is not available for
        producing a certain product, a complementary grade      Even with the myriad of digital options available
        provides an acceptable alternative.                     today, tool manufacturers often prefer the simplicity
                                                                and clear visuals offered by traditional tables and
        The tables provide summary data for grade               charts that provide important data in an easily
        applications and the charts show “an applicative map    interpretable and effective way, allowing optimal
        of grades”, in coordinates of classification numbers    selection of the right tool materials for each
        from standard ISO 513. The figures often prioritize     application.
        the main grades by numbers in brackets below
        the designation of a grade. Prioritizing is general in
        character and is intended to assist in selecting the
        correct grade when there is insufficient information
        about the application.

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