Page 46 - notch_grip_2021
P. 46

MeMaesturricemeUntsSER GUIDE                                                                                •	 Whenever possible this description should be
                                                                                                            	 confirmed by a simplified view showing thread
           American Standard Buttress                                                                       	 angles on the drawing of the product that has
           Thread Designations                                                                              	 the buttress thread.

           •	 When only the designation BUTT is used, the                                                   •	 Always remember that the position of your
           	 thread is a “pull” type buttress (external thread pulls)                                       	 holder and direction of your feed will determine
           	 with the clearance flank (45˚) leading and the                                                 	 the lead angle on the insert.
           	 pressure flank (7˚) following.

           •	 When the designation PUSH-BUTT is used, the
           	 thread is a push type buttress (external thread
           	 pushes) with the load flank (7˚) leading and the
           	45˚ clearance flank following.

External Buttress (45˚ lead) Thread Internal Buttress (45˚ lead) Thread                                                      American Standard Buttress

       Counterclockwise                                                        Counterclockwise                                 1/2 d play                             P         0,0627 P
       rotation                                                                rotation                                                    nut                         0,1632 P

                                                                                                 45˚ clearance flank of this             0,3 P                                                   0,3 P
                                                                                                 buttress thread becomes     0,8906P                                                            0,3 P
                                                                                                 the leading angle in this
chuck                         45˚ clearance angle of this        chuck                           application.                        0,0826 P   7˚                     45˚       1/2 d2 play
                              buttress thread becomes                                                                        1/2 d1 play screw                                   0,1632 P
       RH insert              the leading angle in this                                                          RH bar
       45˚ Lead               application.                                                                     A_ -FLER
       FLTB-3RB                     LH holder                                  feed
       FLTB-4RB                       FLEL                                                           LH insert
                                                                                                  45˚ Lead
               feed      RH holder                                                                FLTB-2LB
                          FLSR                                                                    FLTB-3LB


                                                                                                                                               Use: fittings and pipe couplings

Feed direction towards the chuck                                                                            Feed direction towards the tailstock

External RH Thread   • counterclockwise rotation           Internal RH Thread  • counterclockwise rotation  External LH Thread • counterclockwise rotation                  Internal LH Thread  • counterclockwise rotation
                     • right-hand toolholder                                   • right-hand bar                                             • right-hand toolholder                             • right-hand bar
                     • right-hand insert                                       • left-hand insert                                           • right-hand insert                                 • left-hand insert

External LH Thread   • clockwise rotation                  Internal LH Thread  • clockwise rotation         External RH Thread                 • clockwise rotation         Internal RH Thread  • clockwise rotation
                     • left-hand toolholder                                    • left-hand bar                                                 • left-hand toolholder                           • left-hand bar
                     • left-hand insert                                        • right-hand insert                                             • left-hand insert                               • right-hand insert

Cross Reference Chart

STYLE                                                      TOOL-FLO            KENNAMETAL®                                   SANDVIK®*          VALENITE®*                       HORIZON®*             RTW®*
                                                                               NA                                            TLA                VLA                              HA                    PA
ACME                                                       FLA                 TLAS                                          VLAS               HAS                              PAS
                                                                               ND                                            TLD                #                                #                     #
ACME STUBFLAS                                              NAS                 NDC                                           TLDC               #                                HDC                   PDC
                                                                               NJ                                            TLJ                #                                HJ                    #
API-NON TOPPING                                            FLD                 NJF                                           TLJF               #                                HJF                   #
                                                                               NJK                                           TLJK               #                                #                     #
API-TOPPING                                                FLDC                NJP                                           TLJP               #                                #                     #
                                                                               NT                                            TLT                VLRT                             HT                    PT
UNJ                                                        FLJ                 NTB                                           TLTB               #                                HTB                   #
                                                                               NTC                                           TLTC               VLTC                             HTC                   PTC
UNJ-FINE PITCH                                             FLJF                NTF                                           TLTF               VLTF                             HTF                   PTF
                                                                               NTK                                           TLTK               VLTK                             HTK                   PTK
UNJ-FINE PITCH-POSITIVE                                    FLJK                NTP                                           TLTP               VLTP                             HTP                   PTP

UNJ-POSITIVE                                               FLJP

60˚ V                                                      FLT


UN - UNIFIED                                               FLTC

60˚ V - FINE PITCH                                         FLTF

60˚ V - FINE PITCH POSITIVE                                FLTK

60˚ V - POSITIVE                                           FLTP

*Top Clamp change is required when converting from SANDVIK®

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